
A place to seek help if you have been scammed on Steam, help those who have been, alert others of new scams, and ridiculing bad scammers. Please note that we are not affiliated with Steam, Valve Corp, or any other company or service in any way. SteamlvlUP is a site for all who want easy level up your Steam Profile. Increase your level instantly, fully-automated by trade bots. Every Steam user has a level, with higher levels granting bonuses like extra slots on your friends list and higher drop rates for booster card packs (more on those later). My Steam account is. The easiest way to level up your Steam profile. Use PayPal, Card, Bitcoin or Steam items to upgrade your Steam profile today! is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.

  1. How To Level Up In Steam Fast
  2. Steamlevels Safe
  3. Steam Levels
Aug 21st, 2017
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  1. SteamWebsite ' Enter your website url here example: 'freecsgoskins.scamru' '
  2. let SteamUser = require('steam-user'),
  3. TradeOfferManager = require('steam-tradeoffer-manager'),
  4. Utils = require('./utils.js'),
  5. allCards = {},
  6. fs = require('fs'),
  7. userMsgs = {},
  8. chatLogs = ',
  9. totalBotSets = 0;
  10. let client = new SteamUser(),
  11. 'steam': client,
  12. 'pollInterval': '10000',
  13. }),
  14. fs.readFile('./UserData/Users.json', (ERR, DATA) => {
  15. console.log('## An error occurred while getting Users: ' + ERR);
  16. users = JSON.parse(DATA);
  17. });
  18. $user ' ' rewrit
  19. if (!ERR) {
  20. console.log('Card data loaded. [' + Object.keys(DATA).length + ']');
  21. console.log('An error occurred while getting cards: ' + ERR);
  22. });
  23. setInterval(() => {
  24. for (let i = 0; i < Object.keys(users).length; i++) {
  25. if (users[Object.keys(users)[i]].idleforhours >= CONFIG.MAXHOURSADDED) {
  26. client.chatMessage(Object.keys(users)[i], 'Hi, you have been inactive on my friends list for too long. If you wish to use this bot again re-add it.');
  27. delete users[Object.keys(users)[i]];
  28. fs.writeFile('./UserData/Users.json', JSON.stringify(users), (ERR) => {
  29. console.log('## An error occurred while writing UserData file: ' + ERR);
  30. });
  31. users[Object.keys(users)[i]].idleforhours += 1;
  32. fs.writeFile('./UserData/Users.json', JSON.stringify(users), (ERR) => {
  33. console.log('## An error occurred while writing UserData file: ' + ERR);
  34. });
  35. }
  36. $setbot$ seasson pas=1
  37. }
  38. }, 1000);
  39. client.logOn({
  40. password: CONFIG.PASSWORD,
  41. twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.getAuthCode(CONFIG.SHAREDSECRET)
  42. client.getPersonas([client.steamID], (personas) => {
  43. console.log('## Logged in as #' + client.steamID + ' (' + personas[client.steamID].player_name + ')');
  44. client.setPersona(1);
  45. client.on('webSession', (sessionID, cookies) => {
  46. if (ERR) {
  47. console.log('## An error occurred while setting cookies.');
  48. console.log('## Websession created and cookies set.');
  49. });
  50. community.startConfirmationChecker(10000, CONFIG.IDENTITYSECRET);
  51. client.blockUser('76561198337312992'); // Some people have tried to either crash the bot or buy it not directly from me, I'm going to make bots block them just in case. :)
  52. Utils.getInventory(client.steamID.getSteamID64(), community, (ERR, DATA) => {
  53. if (!ERR) {
  54. Utils.getSets(s, allCards, (ERR, DATA) => {
  55. if (!ERR) {
  56. console.log('## Bot's sets loaded.');
  57. for (let i = 0; i < Object.keys(botSets).length; i++) {
  58. botNSets += botSets[Object.keys(botSets)[i]].length;
  59. totalBotSets = botNSets;
  60. if (CONFIG.PLAYGAMES && typeof(CONFIG.PLAYGAMES[0]) 'string') {
  61. playThis[0] = parseString(playThis[0], totalBotSets);
  62. client.gamesPlayed(playThis);
  63. console.log('## An error occurred while getting bot sets: ' + ERR);
  64. }
  65. } else {
  66. console.log('## An error occurred while getting bot inventory: ' + ERR);
  67. });
  68. community.on('sessionExpired', (ERR) => {
  69. client.webLogOn();
  70. if (userLogs[SENDER.getSteamID64()]) {
  71. } else {
  72. userLogs[SENDER.getSteamID64()].push(MSG);
  73. fs.writeFile('./ChatLogs/UserLogs/' + SENDER.getSteamID64() + '-log-' + new Date().getDate() + '-' + new Date().getMonth() + '-' + new Date().getFullYear() + '.json', JSON.stringify({ logs: userLogs[SENDER.getSteamID64()] }), (ERR) => {
  74. console.log('## An error occurred while writing UserLogs file: ' + ERR);
  75. });
  76. chatLogs += SENDER.getSteamID64() + ' : ' + MSG + 'n';
  77. fs.writeFile('./ChatLogs/FullLogs/log-' + new Date().getDate() + '-' + new Date().getMonth() + '-' + new Date().getFullYear() + '.txt', chatLogs, (ERR) => {
  78. console.log('## An error occurred while writing FullLogs file: ' + ERR);
  79. });
  80. if (Object.keys(users).indexOf(SENDER.getSteamID64()) < 0) {
  81. users[SENDER.getSteamID64()].idleforhours = 0;
  82. fs.writeFile('./UserData/Users.json', JSON.stringify(users), (ERR) => {
  83. console.log('## An error occurred while writing UserData file: ' + ERR);
  84. });
  85. users[SENDER.getSteamID64()].idleforhours = 0;
  86. if (userMsgs[SENDER.getSteamID64()]) {
  87. } else {
  88. }
  89. community.checkConfirmations();
  90. });
  91. });
  92. let onlySteam = true;
  93. for (let i = 0; i < OFFER.itemsToReceive.length; i++) {
  94. onlySteam = false;
  95. }
  96. OFFER.accept((ERR) => {
  97. console.log('## An error occurred while declining trade: ' + ERR);
  98. });
  99. } else {
  100. if (ERR) {
  101. console.log('## An error occurred while declining trade: ' + ERR);
  102. });
  103. });
  104. community.on('newConfirmation', (CONF) => {
  105. community.acceptConfirmationForObject(CONFIG.IDENTITYSECRET,, (ERR) => {
  106. console.log('## An error occurred while accepting confirmation: ' + ERR);
  107. console.log('## Confirmation accepted.');
  108. });
  109. callback(Object.keys(SETS).sort((k1, k2) => SETS[k1].length - SETS[k2].length).reverse());
  110. callback(Object.keys(SETS).sort((k1, k2) => SETS[k1].length - SETS[k2].length));
  111. return INPUT.replace(':sets:', SETS);
RAW Paste Data

How To Level Up In Steam Fast


The Steam profile level is often overlooked by people despite it’s many positive effects in various topics.

A leveled up steam account can give you higher reputation, better looking profile, more customizations, and much more!

Here we’ll be talking about what are the positive things about a leveled up steam account and how to level up fast and make your steam account stand out!

Leveling Up Your Steam account is pretty easy, it starts with trading cards, these things you get once in a while when entering a game. every trading card is a part of a collection of trading cards that are specifically made for that very game, the number of cards in a collection varies between games and is not always the same.

Once you have all of the cards in a collection you can craft a badge that has 5 levels, each level of the badge gives you 100 xp.

and that’s how you level up in a nutshell, but when leveling up to higher levels it gets pretty tough, because every 10 levels you level up, the number of experience needed to level up gets higher and higher and you need to craft more badges and search for more card sets and it’s pretty much a real pain to level up fast to higher levels, but there is a solution! Cara download windows 7 ultimate.

and that’s where SteamLevels gets into the picture!

SteamLevels Offers it’s customers a Steam Profile leveling up system that does everything for you, literally!

with SteamLevels you can just write the exact level you want your profile to be and get all of the card sets ready for you to craft!

It’s a perfect solution for people who want to level up fast and easily without dealing with the pain of searching for the cheapest card sets and then buying them all one at a time and then crafting the badge just to go ahead and buy more trading cards.

Why Would You Want To Level Up Your Steam Profile?


Steamlevels Safe

Leveling up your steam profile can add a lot of benefits you didn’t know existed. here we’ll be walking through some of the more exciting ones and telling you why you should consider leveling up your account!

Leveling up your steam account can let you customize it by letting you pick one of many showcases that Steam offers.

Your first showcase will unlock when you reach level 10, then you’ll be able to choose one showcase to put on your profile for everyone else to see!

Every 10 levels you unlock another showcase slot on your profile, for example, once you reach level 20 you’ll be able to have 2 showcases, a level 30 account will be able to add 3 showcases to his profile and so on.

Your steam level also has an effect on how other people see you or value you, if your profile is low level and looks bad most people will most likely assume it’s a bot or someone who should not be taken seriously.

Steam Levels

Having a higher steam profile level shows that you genuinely care about your profile and reputation and that you are a serious person, and it just makes people trust you more.