
  • This program was developed originally by Mauricio Piacentini (@piacentini) from Tabuleiro Producoes, as the Arca Database Browser.The original version was used as a free companion tool to the Arca Database Xtra, a commercial product that embeds SQLite databases with some additional extensions to handle compressed and binary data.
  • Free source code and tutorials for Software developers and Architects.; Updated: 9 Apr 2020.
  • SQLiteManager A powerful multi-platform database management system for sqlite databases, it combines an easy to use interface with blazing speed and advanced features.

This program was developed originally by Mauricio Piacentini(@piacentini) from Tabuleiro Producoes, asthe Arca Database Browser. The original version was used as a free companiontool to the Arca Database Xtra, a commercial product that embeds SQLitedatabases with some additional extensions to handle compressed and binary data.

The original code was trimmed and adjusted to be compatible with standardSQLite 2.x databases. The resulting program was renamed SQLite DatabaseBrowser, and released into the Public Domain by Mauricio. Icons werecontributed by Raquel Ravanini, also fromTabuleiro. Jens Miltner (@jmiltner) contributedthe code to support SQLite 3.x databases for the 1.2 release.

You can read, edit, manipulate tables and plot SQLite databases with this extension. The extension is powered with the math.js library so you can export a table from SQLite database to your math environment and manipulate the table or extract a column or row of the table and plot that row. Source Code: sqlite-amalgamation-3350400.zip (2.35 MiB) C source code as an amalgamation, version 3.35.4.

Pete Morgan (@daffodil) created an initialproject on GitHub with the code in 2012, where several contributors fixed andimproved pieces over the years. René Peinthor (@rp-)and Martin Kleusberg (@MKleusberg) thenbecame involved, and were the main driving force from that point. JustinClift (@justinclift) started the new github.com/sqlitebrowser organisation on GitHub, (roughly) co-ordinates the project, and creates our Windows and macOS nightly builds.

John T. Haller, ofPortableApps.com fame, created the new logo. Hebased it on the Tango icon set (public domain).

In August 2014, the project was renamed to “Database Browser for SQLite” atthe request of Richard Hipp (creator ofSQLite), as the previous name was creating unintendedsupport issues.

In September 2014, the project was renamed to “DB Browser for SQLite”, toavoid confusion with an existing application called “Database Browser”.


Release History

  • Version 3.12.1 released - 2020-11-09
  • Version 3.12.0 released - 2020-06-16
  • Version 3.11.2 released - 2019-04-03
  • Version 3.11.1 released - 2019-02-18
  • Version 3.11.0 released - 2019-02-07
  • Version 3.10.1 released - 2017-09-20
  • Version 3.10.0 released - 2017-08-20
  • Version 3.9.1 released - 2016-10-03
  • Version 3.9.0 released - 2016-08-24
  • Version 3.8.0 released - 2015-12-25
  • Version 3.7.0 released - 2015-06-14
  • Version 3.6.0 released - 2015-04-27
  • Version 3.5.1 released - 2015-02-08
  • Version 3.5.0 released - 2015-01-31
  • Version 3.4.0 released - 2014-10-29
  • Version 3.3.1 released - 2014-08-31 - Project renamed from “SQLite Database Browser”
  • Version 3.3.0 released - 2014-08-24
  • Version 3.2.0 released - 2014-07-06
  • Version 3.1.0 released - 2014-05-17
  • Version 3.0.3 released - 2014-04-28
  • Version 3.0.2 released - 2014-02-12
  • Version 3.0.1 released - 2013-12-02
  • Version 3.0 released - 2013-09-15
  • Version 3.0rc1 released - 2013-09-09 - Project now on GitHub
  • Version 2.0b1 released - 2009-12-10 - Based on Qt4.6
  • Version 1.2 released - 2005-04-05
  • Version 1.1 released - 2004-07-20
  • Version 1.01 released - 2003-10-02
  • Version 1.0 released to public domain - 2003-08-19
SQLiteManager can manage SQLite database version 3 using the PDO extension will be included in PHP since version 5.1. You can gild and already introduce you to PDO from the moment you have installed PHP5.

SQLiteManager can manage SQLite database version 3 using the PDO extension will be included in PHP since version 5.1. You can gild and already introduce you to PDO from the moment you have installed PHP5.

First download the package PECL extensions for Windows: pecl-5.0.5-win32.zip

Dézipperle pack, then copy the extensions:

Driver for SQLite3

in the directory containing the PHP extensions, the most often: C: php extensions
check this site searching for 'extension_dir' in your phpinfo ().

You can take the opportunity to add other PDO driver, drivers are currently available:

  • php_pdo_firebird.dll
  • php_pdo_mssql.dll
  • php_pdo_mysql.dll
  • php_pdo_odbc.dll
  • php_pdo_oci8.dll
  • php_pdo_pgsql.dll

you must specify in your php.ini to load extension to START.

Sqlite manager tutorial

To locate your php.ini, look at the line 'Configuration File (php.ini) Path' in your phpinfo ().

Sqlite Manager Tutorial

open your php.ini, find the loading of extensions by searching the lines in which there 'extension =', then add the lines:


Sqlite Manager Addon

extension = php_pdo.dll
extension = php_pdo_sqlite.dll
and so on for each of the drivers that you want to install.

Sqlitemanager Torrent

restart your web server.

Sqlite Managers

View your phpinfo () you should see the PDO extension and the different drivers installed.