Best Food For Herniated Disc

Eat Collagen Rich Food– collagen-rich foods such as sipping on a hearty bone broth. While the pain from most lumbar herniated discs typically resolve in 6 weeks, you will want to manage it in the meantime and take control of your pain management. These tips may not work for everyone, and it may take time before finding what works best to help relieve your lumbar herniated disc pain. A herniated disc will usually heal itself quickly with rest. In order to fix a herniated disc, patients must minimize activity for a period of time. This gives the disc a chance to recover and decreases the chances of further damage. Bed rest on a firm mattress may be recommended for up to several weeks, depending on the severity of the herniation. Herniated disc statistics, according to the National Institutes of Health, include: Individuals aged 30 to 50 years old have the highest prevalence of herniated discs. Males develop herniated discs twice as often as women. After six weeks, around 10 percent of an individual’s pain is sufficient enough to consider surgery.

Injections. Pain killers. Endless physical therapy. And then surgery.

This is what you’ll face if you choose the conventional herniated lumbar disc treatment.

This is why here you’ll only find the best natural home treatments for lumbar herniated discs.

Not only are they superior, but they are ultimately cheaper and more effective than any pill, injection, and even surgery.

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Page Contents

  • 4 1. Home Back Traction/Spinal Decompression

Signs and Symptoms of Herniated Lumbar Disc

First, you should know that if you’re only experiencing back pain, with no other symptoms, don’t jump to conclude that you have a herniated disc.

You’ll be surprised to know that many people have a ruptured disc without even knowing it since the pain is felt only when the disc touches the nerve next to it.

The pressure causes pain.

A herniated disc in the lower back usually feels like local back pain with radiating leg or arm pain (depending on where the herniation is).

But, if you experience loss of bowel control along with these symptoms, you should go to the emergency room as quickly as possible.

Loss of bowel or bladder control is a medical emergency, so you should get to the emergency room as quickly as possible if either of these things happens to you.

What Causes Low Back Herniated Disc?

Technically, a disc herniates when the outer part of the disc begins to weaken and the inner soft part starts to press outward.

Most people don’t even know they have a herniated disc until the herniation is touching the nerve.

The two most common causes are trauma and muscle imbalances.

Muscle Imbalances, also known as “postural dysfunctions, put abnormal pressure on the disc that will cause increased wear and tear over time.

Eventually, the weak spot will give way and make contact with the nerve, bringing a world of pain to your life.

This does not happen overnight (unless the cause was trauma – like in a car accident).

It takes a long time for the nerve to suffer enough pressure to cause pain.

Natural home treatments for bulging discs are cheaper in the long run, they are non-invasive, more effective, and in my opinion, much healthier for you.

The Best Home Treatments for Lumbar Herniated Discs

Herniated Disc is by far one of the most common conditions associated with chronic back pain and most people get the best results when they combine multiple treatment approaches together.
Here are the best natural options. The more you combine and the more you use – the quicker you’ll heal.

1. Home Back Traction/Spinal Decompression

Like I’ve explained before, the pain you experience comes from the pressure on your nerves. If you go to a chiropractor or a physical therapist, the first thing he’ll do is spinal decompression.
He’ll use a back traction machine to separate your vertebrae and lift the pressure off your nerve, which usually results in immediate and long-lasting relief.
Other than being an effective drug-free pain relief for herniated discs, this “negative pressure” will help a misaligned disc to be sucked back into place and create space between the vertebrae for more blood and oxygen to get there.
This is the real and natural way to completely heal a herniated disc.
No pain pill or injection can do this.
There are many ways you can do spinal decompression at home – whenever you need it (without depending on a physical therapist) and for a fraction of the cost of treatment.
You can use a back stretcher. You can use an inversion table. You can use a home back traction unit. The possibilities are endless.
To make this easier for you, here’s my post about the best home back traction units, and here’s my post about inversion therapy (some surprising stuff you’ll find there…)

2. Infrared Heating Pad

Another amazingly helpful way to relieve herniated disc pain without medication is infrared light therapy.

Infrared rays, which are completely invisible to the naked eye, are capable of penetrating deep into your tissues (literally right down to your bones) where they gently elevate the body’s surface temperature and activate major bodily functions.

An infrared heating pad will boost your blood circulation in the area, bringing – fast – pain-relieving agents, oxygen, and healing agents.

The result is a quick pain relief, which usually lasts for 6 hours, while “working” on healing the disc herniation in the long-term too.

(Don’t worry; far-infrared rays are 100% safe. They’re NOT the ultraviolet rays which cause sunburn and skin cancer).

It’s my family’s favorite “home doctor” for almost all pains, aches and ailments for years now.

You can learn more about infrared light therapy HERE, and you can find the top 2 infrared heating pads in the market – HERE.[/yellowbox]

3. Proteolytic Enzymes

About 40 years ago a doctor named Dr. Max Wolf, from Columbia University, discovered that when the body reacts to pain, the bodies of younger adults responded by flooding the painful area with something called “proteolytic enzymes”.

But for some reason… the older folks he studied showed dramatically reduced levels of proteolytic enzymes and therefore felt more pain.

Since then scientists have found that proteolytic enzymes are the first line of defence against pain and inflammation!

Proteolytic enzymes can also “eat” fibrin and scar tissues, cleanse toxins from the blood and even fight viruses and boost your immune system.

My favorite Proteolytic enzymes supplement is called Heal n’ Soothe – Here’s my full review for it.

Can Herniated Discs Heal on Their Own?


You’ll get different answers to this question, depending on who you ask.

Through my research, I’ve found that small herniations tend to heal on their own after about 6 weeks.

Online install windows 7 ultimate. Larger herniations may not completely heal, but may definitely feel like it, since you can get rid of most of not all symptoms.

Like I’ve mentioned before, the best approach would be to combine more than 1 of these natural treatments. If possible – all of them.

Do regular spinal decompression at home, fight inflammation through systemic enzyme therapy, mind what you eat, carefully exercise (swimming is best), and use infrared heating to relieve your pain fast – without medication.


Bottom line is that natural remedies for herniated discs cost less, in the long run, are painless, and most importantly – effective.

(Spinal decompression, for example, was proven time and time again to be able to prevent back surgeries.)

I hope you’re convinced as I am because when it comes to healing, nothing will be more effective than you believing in your ability to heal.

Do you have any questions or comments? Looking forward to reading them in the comments below.

To your health and happiness,

Best foods for herniated disc


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Best Foods To Eat For Herniated Disc

Nutritional supplements for herniated discs have been used by many patients for decades as part of conservative care plans. Nutritional products are often targeted directly towards disc pain sufferers, since disc diagnoses represent the most common suspected causes of back pain and are also poorly understood by the general population. Some companies that manufacture and market nutritional supplements prey on this ignorance and have used it to make billions of dollars selling basically scam products.

Individual nutritional supplements may or may not provide any general health benefits. This is not the point of this discussion. Instead, we will focus on why herniated disc patients are singled out to purchase specific types of supplements, as well as the reasons why these recommendations amount to little more than opportunistic health marketing.

This dialog examines the most common types of nutritional supplements for herniated discs. We will explore the potential benefits offered, as well as providing facts to show support or criticism. Our objective in this dialog is to assist patients in separating truth from fiction when it comes to nutritional supplements.

Commonly Used Nutritional Supplements for Disc Pain

Unlike many back pain diagnoses, disc pain is actually targeted by product manufacturers as a condition that should be treated using specific nutritional supplements. This is both due to the relative universality of disc degeneration and herniation in the general public, as well as the generally poor understanding most patients have of their own spinal conditions. To put it bluntly, most people really do not understand herniated discs. Sure, they might know what they are in layman’s terms, but based on the ridiculous ways many patients try to treat them, they have no clue about how herniated discs should be managed. Manufacturers of these supplements are literally banking on this ignorance to the tune of billions of dollars yearly.

Below are listed the most commonly recommended and utilized forms of nutritional supplements for herniated disc patients:

Glucosamine and chondroitin are the first supplements which come to mind. These products have been actively marketed to people with herniated discs since I was a child, more than 40 years ago. These substances are often claimed to have curative properties for disc injuries and are even said to directly help heal herniations when slack laws allow for such nonsense. Meanwhile, there is no objective and scientifically-verified evidence that either substance provides any benefit for herniated discs. None at all…

Vitamins and minerals are commonly claimed to be important to the recovery efforts of herniated disc patients. Once again, there has never been any evidence that an average herniated disc is caused by a vitamin deficiency or that taking additional vitamins or minerals will help to heal what amounts to be one of the universal effects of age and activity: a herniated disc.

Various proteins and amino acids are often used in nutritional supplements and are claimed to be building blocks of new disc tissue. There is no evidence that the body will build or repair new disc tissue, regardless of how much protein is ingested.

Finally, stem cells are all the rage in health supplements and some products contain stem cells that somehow will work magic… They will survive the manufacturing process, packaging, shelf life and the brutal digestive process in order to somehow work their way through the body to the spine and create a new perfect disc structure… Really, do you believe this? Really? I know that desperate people will believe anything, but come on. Learn the facts and defend yourself against the lies.

Nutritional Supplements for Herniated Discs Benefits

We are not here to prove or disprove general health benefits for nutritional supplements. Although most doctors agree that a balanced diet will provide 100% of nutrients that a person will require at any age, some products might provide rewards to some people in certain respects of health. However, they might not. They might also be harmful in just as many cases…

Best Food For Herniated Disc Repair

When it comes to disc pain, no nutritional supplement will help to resolve a herniation or decrease symptoms of a pathological herniation. No supplement will undo the effects of time and activity, reversing the degenerative processes in the spinal discs. Naruto shippuden dubbed episodes freearrowclever.

Since nutritional supplements are less harmful than drugs, injections and surgery, and since they might still be capable of providing a placebo effect, our only recommendation for potential benefit is that some patients may feel better by conditioned belief using these products. Having this type of placebo cure is best attempted using supplements, compared to more risky interventions like poisonous drugs or barbaric and unnecessary surgery.

Nutritional Supplements for Herniated Discs Downsides

When it comes to downsides of using nutritional supplements specifically for disc pain relief, the major one that comes to mind is the unnecessary financial expense. These supplements can be very costly and this burden can stress patients economically without need. This is especially true when patients purchase directly from opportunistic care providers at high markups. We have known many chiropractors over the years who made 30% of their net income selling supplements. You better believe that they convinced every patient to use these products in order to get better and be healthy… It is borderline criminal behavior!

Some supplements might be dangerous to your health or might interact with other substances, such as herbs, alcohol, OTC, prescription or illicit drugs and even food items. While this is rare, the consequences can be devastating or even fatal, so always speak to your doctor before adding any nutritional supplement into your herniated disc treatment program.

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